Happy St. Patricks Day!
Salon has an interesting piece on video
game music remixes. Videogame music is unfortunatly one area of music that
gets very little professional recongnition as an art form, and is nearly
impossible to find in stores in the US. Just try finding a DDR soundtrack in a
local Best Buy, it just isn't going to happen. So it's either import them from
Japan, or download them off the net. Perhaps someday videogame music will get
the recognition it deserves, and the composers could actually go up for
Two spacecraft were launched today, to make a very accurate map of the Earth's
graviational fields. Despite what you may learn in high school physics,
gravity is not the same everywhere due to variations in density and material. So
NASA plans to use these two spacecraft to measure the tiny differences, and
create a map 100 times better than current maps. Science is amazing no?