I almost got struck by lightning yesterday, which is sorta neat in hindsight I suppose. I was working at my dad's office
in the warehouse stacking boxes, and it was pouring outside due to our infamous late afternoon thunderstorms. Anyways,
I happen to be looking outside through the open warehouse doors, and a bolt of lighting comes and strikes a pole about 15 yards
away, scaring the crap out of me and my brother and causing a VERY loud crashing sound. Lightning is pretty pretty (yeah, gotta
love double words) from far away, but that's a wee bit too close for my tastes.
That SSH exploit used in the Matrix is proving very popular to all the people who caught it.
Security focus is running a story on it, and how sshnuke is actually
real exploit. Here's a screenshot for those
interested. A girl with l33t h4X0r skillz, no wonder this film is so popular :)
And now random typing!