May 28, 2003

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If you wanted your daily dose of BinaryFusion (and everyone needs a daily dose of medicore writing and nerdy links right?), you were probably disappointed to find the site down for almost 12 hours today. But for good reason, as the server farm this site is hosted on caught fire this morning. So after putting out the fire, it took a while to restore elecricity and all the routers to get everything back to normal. Can't say I've ever had an outage of service due to fire, this is definitly a first. At least my data wasn't burned to a crisp, otherwise it would be a long night of re-uploading.

Why I still want to work at Google, even though I have no interest at all in living in Silicon Valley. Luckly they've expanded to a New York branch, so maybe there is hope yet.

Well 2 years ago (abouts) was my graduation from high school. I only mention this because it seems like a bunch of my friends went tonight, while I was off becoming a girl (not literally of course, just watching a bunch chick flicks with some female friends of mine. I haven't felt such a need to watch things blow up since the time I dinner with 14 girls and me being the only guy.) And as I've said before, I don't miss high school that much at all. Better than middle school at least though (not that THAT was hard).

May 2002: An improved one year ago

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