I think I'm an obsessive compulsive picture taker. It can't be good when you take over 400 pictures in 5 days and you delete 95%
of them because you relieze you just took a picture of a floor tile. Digicams are just too much fun... but
the novelty will wear off eventually... I hope... Unless I keep discovering new things, like various picture modes:
Normal Computer
Negative Mode
Negative w/o Flash
Black and White
Maine has created the world's largest scale model of the
solar system. Maine has just officially become
I wrote my first bit of PHP the other night, to organzie the cam archives. It now creates the page on
the fly without me having to continuously update it. PHP pretty cool
little language, and very useful for some of the stuff I wanted to accomplish. Plus it's always fun to learn something
Speaking of fun, I was thinking about what makes things "fun" the other day. That what I find incredibly
exciting and fun to do, other people hate and vice versa. I was having a blast messing around with that PHP script at 3 in the morning,
while shopping at the mall for clothes is something I try to avoid as much as possible. And for other people
it's the exact opposite. It all seems pretty arbitrary to me. I guess that's why I'm a big fan of doing whatever
floats your boat, because as long as you're having fun (so long as no one else is getting hurt in the process), what does it
matter what you're doing to have fun? Those guys dressing up as Star Wars characters for
Star Wars movies, or playing paper RPG's are pretty cool in my opinion, because they aren't afraid to have fun however they like it.
And as long as they're having a good time, all the power to them. Or mabye it's just because my idea of fun is pretty out there
sometimes and I'm trying to justify it :)
Oh, the webcam can be found under Stuff if you want to keep up with it.