Today has the longest daylight hours of anyday, and here I am updating this at night
Mrs Ellen
Spertus was crowned last night in the greatest pagent ever created. Yes, oh
yes, the Sexiest Geek Alive pagent. She's a
MIT^3 (Bachleors, Masters, and PhD all at MIT) and is a Linux lover, not to
mention she teaches computer science. Awwww yea! You can also view the other nine finalists as well. Now this is the kind of competitions
that should become more common.
In other geek news, a survey says what I've always believed, that teenagers are
starting to prefer instant messaging over phones. I know I sure as heck love IMing over
calling, and it's the main way I communicate with my friends. That and IRC. It
makes those long pauses when no one can think of anything interesting to say a
lot more bearable since you can just surf the web and stuff in the meantime. Not
to mention I'm always online anyways, so it's so much more convinent.
The list of the world's richest people was released today. And at no suprise, Bill Gates tops the list at 58.7 billion dollars, most of it made with unethical business practices (such as saying networked computing had no future, at least not until MS had it's own propriatery authetification services like is discussed in this article).